Monday 11 August 2014

Adding plants - more herbs, celery, brussel sprouts, cabbage, calabrise (broccoli)

The rhubabrb is coming on well, and Mrs Lovell's Greengrocers kindly donated another rhubarb plant. You don;t harvest any rhubarb in the plants' first year however, and remember that the stalks are edible but the leaves are poisonous...

The central raised bed is currently a mixture of herbs and vegetables

One of the two northernmost beds is a mixture of flowers and herbs.

The northernmost bed feautures fruit, herbs, vegetables and flowers...

A shot of herbs and flowers. Herbs in particular bring a very relaxing fragrance

Some cabbages have been planted

Curly leafed parsley. This is actually quite difficult to grow, but we'll have a go...

Celery - again this has a very nice smell.

Sprouts for Christmas!

I've also planted some calabrese. Calabrese is what we often see described as broccoli. In actual fact it is Italian sprouting broccoli, which has a longer growing season. Broccoli is part of the brassica group of plants, which includes cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts...

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